2021 Newspapers

The year isn’t over yet and there’s still plenty of news headlines to flick through in our amazing newspapers, which comes personalized to the individual and with the option to add a gift box or a frame to your present.

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2021 Headlines

We are over half-way through 2021 and there is starting to be some light at the end of the dark tunnel that was 2020, so why not create a wonderful keepsake present compiled of the most recent events that are sure to make history?

January 6, 2021
Supporters of President Donald Trump storm the US Capitol in Washington DC, resulting in five deaths. A few days later, President Donald Trump was impeached for “incitement of insurrection”, marking the first time in history a US President has been impeached twice.

January 20, 2021
Joe Biden is inaugurated as the 46th US President and Kamala Harris as the 49th Vice President, making history as the highest-ranking female official in U.S. history and the first female, first African American and first Asian American Vice President.

February 9-13, 2021
The second impeachment trial of former US President Donald Trump sees him, once again, acquitted by the US Senate.

March 7, 2021
Oprah Winfrey interviews Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, alleging Meghan was subject to racist treatment from the Royal Family.

March 23-29, 2021

Container ship Ever Given becomes stuck in the Suez Canal in Egypt, preventing an estimated $9.6 billion worth of trade and becoming a viral meme.

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