2020 Newspapers

While 2020 was a particularly challenging year, a newspaper from the most newsworthy year in recent history makes a fascinating gift. Whether it was a milestone birthday or you simply wish to learn more about events in 2020, we have the world’s largest collection of original newspapers from a range of publications, all personalized to the individual. You can also present your newspaper in one of our luxury gift boxes or frames to create an extra special present.

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2019 Newspapers

2020 Headlines

2020 is certainly a year that will go down in history, with plenty of 2020 news articles about how the coronavirus pandemic caused the biggest global crisis the world has faced since the Second World War. The year was spent with constant disruptions to our normal way of life and trying to keep ourselves and loved ones safe by avoiding the virus. 

January 8, 2020
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, made headlines when they made the decision to step back as official members of the Royal Family.

January 16 – February 5, 2020
The first impeachment trial of current US President Donald Trump began on 16th January, only to see Trump acquitted on 5th February.

January 23, 2020
The first signs of coronavirus made appearances in the news, as China locks down Wuhan and its 9 million residents to control COVID-19.

January 26, 2020
LA Lakers basketball legend Kobe Bryant dies in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, southern California.

February 24, 2020
Harvey Weinstein is found guilty of rape and a criminal sexual act in the landmark case that ignited #MeToo movement. He went on to later be sentenced 23 years in prison.

March 1, 2020
The first known COVID-19 case in the US is identified in New York.

March 11, 2020
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic with 121,564 cases worldwide.

March 12, 2020
US President Donald Trump bans travel with 26 European countries due to COVID-19, adding the UK and Ireland a day later.

March 13, 2020
Tragically, Breonna Taylor was shot and killed by police officers in her own flat in Louisville, Kentucky aged 26.

May 25, 2020
In an act of racial violence, George Floyd was murdered by Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Floyd’s murder led to worldwide protests against police brutality and police racism, reigniting the Black Lives Matter movement.

June 2, 2020
Across the world, “Blackout Tuesday” took place across social media, following the anti-racism protests taking place worldwide in response to George Floyd’s murder. 

June 7, 2020
The statue of Edward Colston, a slave trader, was pulled down by anti-racism protesters in Bristol, England. Demonstrators continued to protest in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

August 18, 2020
Governor of California Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency regarding the California Wildfires, with 2020 being the largest wildfire year recorded in California history.

September 18, 2020
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (1993-2020), dies of pancreatic cancer aged 87.

November 7, 2020
Joe Biden is announced the winner of 2020 US Presidential Race four days after the Presidential Election. He beat current US President Donald Trump, the first time in almost thirty years that a US President hasn’t served a second term.

December 2, 2020
The UK becomes the first Western country to authorize a COVID-19 vaccination.

December 14, 2020
The US begins its first COVID-19 vaccinations using the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine whilst also recording over 300,000 total deaths on the same day.

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