1996 Newspapers

Discover what happened on any day this year with an authentic 1996 newspaper. The digital age was well underway in the mid 90s, but newspapers were still major sources of news. The internet hadn’t yet changed the nature of news, and buying the daily paper was still popular practice.

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1996 Newspapers

1996 Newspaper Headlines

Browse the archive of original news articles from 1996 for a particular day in history, or an event that is of interest to you or someone close to you. This year in history was full of exciting events that captured the attention of newspaper readers all over the country. Find out which 1996 headlines kept journalists busy putting pen to paper.

January 7, 1996 
The eastern states are hit by one of the worst blizzards in American history, which kills more than 150 people. 30.7 inches of snowfall is measured in Philadelphia, New York City’s public schools close for the first time in 18 years, and the federal government in Washington D.C. is closed for days.

March 25, 1996 
Whoopi Goldberg holds the 68th Academy Awards, with Braveheart winning Best Picture.

April 11, 1996 
7 year old Jessica Dubroff is killed in a plane crash in Cheyenne, Wyoming, while attempting to set a record as the youngest person to pilot an airplane across the United States.

May 10, 1996
A sudden storm engulfs Mount Everest with several climbing teams stranded high on the mountain. Eight people are left dead and at least four other climbers die by the end of the month. 1996 remains the worst year of fatalities on the mountain to date.

July 8, 1996
Martina Hingis becomes the youngest person in history to win at Wimbledon in the Ladies’ Doubles event, aged fifteen years and 282 days.

July 19, 1996
The 1996 Summer Olympic Games is opened by President Bill Clinton in Atlanta, United States.

July 27, 1996
The Centennial Olympic Park bombing at the 1996 Summer Olympics kills one person and injures 111.

August 28, 1996
The Prince and Princess of Wales are formally divorced at the High Court of Justice in London. Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales is restyled Diana, Princess of Wales.

September 24, 1996 
President Bill Clinton signs the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty at the United Nations.

October 6, 1996 
Arthur, the popular TV series, debuts on PBS Kids.

November 5, 1996
Democratic incumbent Bill Clinton defeats Republican challenger Bob Dole to win his second term in the 1996 presidential election.

November 16, 1996
Mother Teresa receives honorary U.S. citizenship.

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