1943 Newspapers

Discover which important events in 1943 changed the fate of the world forever. Our collection of historic newspapers is the largest in the world, and houses original copies of America’s top newspapers such as The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. 

Read about what happened during this year in history through reports revealing how the news was portrayed and received at the time.

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1943 Newspapers

1943 Newspaper Headlines

1943 news headlines continued to be dominated by reports focusing on World War II as it continued to ravage the world. The widespread destruction caused by this devastating war was the topic of most 1943 news headlines. It was during this year that Germany faced their first major defeat at Stalingrad, the allied forces achieved victory in North Africa, and Italy surrendered.

Find out more about what happened in 1943 with an original newspaper. Other captivating headlines during this year include tales of an uprising in a Polish concentration camp, the massive famine in Bengal, and the official end to the Great Depression in the United States. Take a look through our archive to discover many more thought provoking headlines, and try to image how it must have felt to live during this time in history.

January 11, 1943 
The United States and United Kingdom give up territorial rights in China.

January 14, 1943 
The Casablanca Conference takes place, with President Franklin D. Roosevelt becoming the first president to travel by airplane while in office. He meets with Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister, to discuss World War II.

January 15, 1943 
The world’s largest office building, The Pentagon, is dedicated in Arlington, Virginia.

February 2, 1943
The Battle of Stalingrad comes to an end with the surrender of the German sixth Army. With combined casualties of almost two million, it becomes known as the bloodiest battle in modern history.

February 8, 1943 
United States forces defeat Japanese troops in the Battle of Guadalcanal.

February 11, 1943
General Eisenhower is selected to command the Allied armies in Europe.

March 31, 1943 
Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma! opens on Broadway, heralding in a new era in “integrated” stage musicals and becoming an instantaneous stage classic. It goes on to be Broadway’s longest-running musical up to that time.

April 13, 1943 
The Jefferson Memorial is dedicated on the 200th anniversary of Thomas Jefferson’s birthday. The bronze statue is added in 1947.

April 25, 1943
Easter occurs on the latest possible date in the year.

June 6, 1943 
The first game of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League is played, a precursor of professional women’s sports in the U.S.

September 8, 1943
United States General, Dwight D. Eisenhower, publicly announces the surrender of Italy to the Allies.

October 13, 1943
The new government of Italy confirms its allegiance with the Allies and declares war on Germany.

November 28, 1943
The Tehran Conference: Winston Churchill meets President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in Tehran, to discuss war strategy. One of the most significant outcomes of this meeting is an agreement concerning the June 1944 invasion of north-west Europe, code-named ‘Operation Overlord‘.

December 4, 1943 
The Great Depression officially comes to an end in the United States, with World War II related employment making unemployment figures fall rapidly. As a result, President Franklin D. Roosevelt closes the Works Progress Administration (WPA).

December 22, 1943
Beatrix Potter, British children’s author and illustrator (b. 1866) dies.

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