1976 Newspapers

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1976 Newspapers

1976 News Headlines

Historic Newspapers’ collection of 1976 newspaper articles feature exciting tales and tragedies from all over the world. Take yourself or your loved one back to 1976 with first hand accounts of all the most memorable 1976 headlines.

January 21, 1976
The first commercial Concorde flight takes off.

February 4, 1976
The 1976 Winter Olympics open in Innsbruck, Austria.

February 11, 1976 
Clifford Alexander, Jr. is confirmed as the first African-American Secretary of the United States Army.

March 27, 1976 
The first 4.6 miles of the Washington Metro subway system opens.

April 1, 1976
Apple Computer Company is formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

16th April 1976
As a measure to curb population growth, the minimum age for marriage in India is raised to twenty-one years for men and eighteen years for women.

May 25, 1976 
U.S. President Gerald Ford defeats challenger Ronald Reagan in three Republican presidential primaries: Kentucky, Tennessee and Oregon.

June 17, 1976 
The National Basketball Association and the American Basketball Association agree on the ABA-NBA merger.

July 3, 1976 
Gregg v. Georgia takes place, with the Supreme Court ruling that the death penalty is not inherently cruel or unusual, and is a constitutionally acceptable form of punishment.

July 4, 1976 
The United States celebrates the 200th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

July 17, 1976
The 1976 Summer Olympics open in Montreal, Canada.

July 20, 1976 
Criminal Gary Gilmore is arrested for murdering two men in Utah.

September 25, 1976
The Irish rock band U2 is formed after drummer Larry Mullen Jr. posts a note seeking members for a band on the notice board of his Dublin school.

October 19, 1976
The Chimpanzee is placed on the list of endangered species.

November 2, 1976 
The 1976 presidential election takes place, with Jimmy Carter defeating incumbent Gerald Ford. He becomes the first candidate from the Deep South to win since the Civil War.

December 3, 1976
Bob Marley and his manager Don Taylor are shot in an assassination attempt in Kingston, Jamaica.

December 8th, 1976 
Hotel California
by The Eagles is released.

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