1954 Newspapers

Want to learn about 1954? An original newspaper is a great place to start. All the original newspapers are preserved in the condition as when the paper first went to print, meaning you’ll receive first-hand accounts of reports, articles and adverts from those who were present at the time.

Our collection of authentic newspapers is the most extensive in the world, and contains countless articles from some of the nations most well known and longest running news outlets. Read original articles from this exciting year in history, and discover it from the perspectives of those who lived it.

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1954 Newspapers

1954 Newspaper Headlines

Learn about this interesting year in history with 1954 newspaper articles, preserved from the year they were released. Some of the most significant and well-documented 1954 events include the mass vaccination of children against polio, following the discovery of the vaccine a year prior; and Queen Elizabeth II of England’s antipodean ventures, as she became the first monarch to visit Australia, and opens New Zealand’s parliament. A 1954 newspaper is a great gift idea for anyone interested in history and learning about the events that have made a lasting impact on the world.

January 14, 1954 
Marilyn Monroe marries baseball player Joe DiMaggio at San Francisco City Hall.

25th January 1954
The foreign ministers of the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union meet at the Berlin Conference to discuss a settlement to the Korean War and the Indochina war.

3rd February 1954
The Queen of England becomes the first reigning monarch to visit Australia.

February 23, 1954 
The mass vaccination of children against polio begins in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

March 1, 1953 
U.S. officials announce that a hydrogen bomb test has been conducted on Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean.

25th March 1954
The Soviet Union recognizes the sovereignty of East Germany, but Soviet troops remain in the country.

May 17, 1954  
Brown v. Board of Education takes place, with the United States Supreme Court ruling that segregated schools are unconstitutional.

27th June 1954
The world’s first atomic power station opens at Obninsk, near Moscow.

4th July 1954
West Germany beats Hungary 3-2 to win the 1954 FIFA World Cup.

July 19, 1954 
Elvis Presley’s first single, That’s All Right, is released.

August 16, 1954 
The first issue of Sports Illustrated magazine is published in the United States.

September 3, 1954 
The last episode of The Lone Ranger is aired on radio, after 2,956 episodes over a period of 21 years.

11th October 1954
Hurricane Hazel crosses over Haiti, killing 1,000 people.

30th November 1954
A four kilogram piece of the ‘Hodges Meteorite’ crashes through the roof of a house in Sylacauga, Alabama, and badly bruises a napping woman. It is the first documented case of an object from outer space hitting a person.

4th December 1954
The first Burger King fast food restaurant opens in Miami, Florida.

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