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Worlds Largest Archive
Over 200,000 Newspapers
Over 400 titles covering most states

Genuine Old Newspapers From the Date of Your Choice

Historic Newspapers is the world’s largest private archive in ownership of over 200,000 old newspapers. It is an unparalleled collection of US newspapers. We house well-known titles such as the New York Times, and regional papers from each state, including Sunday papers free of any extra charges that usually apply to Sunday editions. Spanning the last two centuries, anyone can buy old newspapers and gift them to those fascinated by history.

This extensive collection has been assembled due to our network of national and local libraries, government departments, and universities that in years gone by, used to hold a newspaper from every day. Our papers offer an unrivalled insight into the past, giving individuals the resources to find old newspapers from 1920 onward.

The popularity of giving and receiving old newspapers continues to rise as their rarity grows. This in turn further increases both the monetary and sentimental value for the owners. As only genuine originals are held in the archive, once an original newspaper title for a certain date has been sold, it’s unlikely to be replaced. This makes birthday newspapers a fantastic gift, as a newspaper from a person’s birth date provides a fantastic trip down memory lane. We also have many copies of discontinued newspapers, which make extra special gifts since new copies will never be printed again.

Papers from important dates in an individual’s life are eye-opening. We offer a range of carefully selected gifts for all manner of occasions. We make incredible baseball and football history books from our newspapers, whilst our day you were born gifts are unique treasures to take anyone on a nostalgic trip back to the past.

Old Newspapers