Archive Newspapers

As the world’s largest newspaper archive, we have over 200,000 genuine newspapers spanning over 100 years of history.

Newspapers provide an unparalleled glimpse into the past. Those fascinated by the past can relive history as it was first reported on as each newspaper is an original, with no embellishments or alterations. This preserves the history of the paper you’re reading, taking you back to the exact event or moment and seeing how the media and public reacted at the time.

FROM $39.99

This rich archive of newspapers is actively used by multiple platforms. Offering regional and national titles, our archives are extensive and unmatched. We supply newspapers to researchers, media producers, historians, and educational establishments. Newspapers are acknowledgements of the past, representing society and how far the world has advanced since. However, by far the greatest demand we have is for archive newspaper gifts, suitable for all manner of occasions, most commonly birthdays, anniversaries and life-milestones

Buy Archive Newspapers at Great Prices

Archive newspapers make particularly spectacular keepsakes for those with a great interest in the past. The recipient tends to find an invaluable resonance relating to a certain date or headline, triggering nostalgic moments from their own lives. A single newspaper can give the individual a direct connection with their past, be it the news, latest fashion, gossip, sporting events or prices of everyday items. Due to the size of our newspaper archive, we can supply an archive newspaper from nearly any date. Simply enter your special date of interest at the top of this page and you will see the full range of newspaper titles available.

Historic Newspapers has a full-time archivist who can conduct research on our newspaper archive. We do a lot of work for media companies relating to show development, as well as commissioned research by various institutions on specific themes. We are also asked to do research for members of the public who are looking for a past newspaper article – often an article in which either they or one of their relatives featured. So long as we are given a clear brief as to where to look, we can find the article being sought after.

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Rated 4.5 out of 5

based on 136 reviews

Michele Ames March 25 2024

Awesome artifact from the past. I appreciated how quickly it arrived.

Jake Seigle March 23 2024


tnoushin March 21 2024

Great product. Great packaging. Glad that you offer such products. It's amazing!

Cara Lowell March 21 2024

What a beautiful and sentimental gift it truly turned out to be. My father has it on display now, it was an amazing gift for his 75th birthday!

Michelle G. March 11 2024

A bit pricey for the smaller town papers, but I'm happy with my purchase overall.

customer March 4 2024

Came in great condition and made for a great 80th birthday gift.n

Lucia Hernandez March 1 2024

Best gift ever

Trish February 20 2024

Birthday boy … truly enjoyed!!!

Mac February 16 2024

35 year- old NYT’s arrived quickly and in great condition.